Ascendo Consulting is a consulting and training firm specializing in safety-related services to various industries. We provide a comprehensive suite of workplace safety, food hygiene and F&B service related training and consulting services to our clients. Food Hygiene/Safety We are Workforce Development Agency (WDA) Approved Training Provider for the WSQ Food Hygiene Course for food handlers. Our trainers are privileged to work with the Singapore Environment Institute, NEA, to train Food Hygiene Officers (FHO) for the F&B industry. Our team of food safety specialists also provides HACCP, ISO 22000 consulting and auditing services. Workplace Safety We are Approved Risk Consultants (ARCs) and Approved Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Auditors under Ministry of Manpower (MOM). We are also Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council Accredited Training Provider for bizSAFE courses. We have a team of experienced risk consultants to provide WSH risk consulting services to industries such as hospitality, food & beverage, marine, construction, oil & gas, chemical, manufacturing and engineering. Our experienced WSH personnel are committed to assisting the industry meet regulatory (e.g. bizSAFE) and industry requirements (e.g. OHSAS 180001), and implement WSH best practices. Our Integrated Quality and OSH Policy Our commitment to Quality and OSH is reflected through programmes developed and organised by top management and supported by employees and other stakeholders, in order to ensure compliance with statutory Quality and OSH standards and regulations. The policy which also includes the following will be implemented, maintained and reviewed periodically: Safety and Health We will work towards achieving an injury-free and healthy workplace through proper Risk Management implementation and control. Quality We will work towards providing distinctive service meeting customers needs. Conformance with Law and Regulation We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to current quality and OSH in Singapore, and other requirements and standards the organisation subscribes to. Education and Training We will communicate, educate and train our employees on Quality and OSH. Continual improvement We will establish Quality and OSH programmes and constantly improve these systems' management and performance with feedback from all its stakeholders.