Negotiating for Results at the Workplace


About this Course

Why are negotiation skills important?

In our daily life, we are constantly placed in situations where we need to negotiate for what we want. This could happen at home (negotiating with children to clean up their room) or at the workplace (with the boss for a resource or with a client for a contractual agreement). Whether we like it or not, we have opportunities to negotiate.

How do you handle such opportunities? Do you miss them? Do you get worked up? Do you treat them as situations to avoid?

Today’s workplace, with limited resources and conflicting demands, requires you to negotiate for what you want, and at the same time respect what others need.

With sound principles in mind, good negotiators work towards increasing the chances of getting what they want without damaging the relationship. Listening and questioning with sensitivity to other’s feelings, coupled with assertiveness, will facilitate the negotiation process.

With heightened awareness and continued practice, you will be able to learn the techniques of negotiation one step at a time. These skills provide you the power and confidence in managing interpersonal dealings, without the fear of being dominated or feeling overwhelmed or victimised.

What do you gain from this one-day workshop?

This interactive one-day workshop challenges you to examine your concept of negotiation. You will learn how negotiation differs from bargaining.

The workshop exposes you to the foundational skills in influencing people and engaging them through dialogue. It uses role-plays and group activities to help you experience and practice the concepts discussed.

You will develop confidence and clarity by learning the principles and best practices of negotiating effectively at the workplace. You will identify your negotiation and conflict management styles, and learn to adapt it to situational needs, thus leading to a more collaborative working relationship with your team members.

This workshop also gives you an opportunity to review and sharpen your skills in listening and questioning. You will learn how to be open and direct when engaging people, but at the same time respect their needs. You will also develop skills to be assertive and clear in your communication, which is critical in negotiations.

Most importantly, you will spend substantial time learning how to prepare for a negotiation session.

Workshop Objectives

  1. Understand the difference between bargaining and negotiating.
  2. Learn the three key principles of negotiation.
  3. Plan and prepare for negotiation.
  4. Discover your own style.
  5. Assess your challenges in negotiation.
  6. Manage conflicts during negotiation.
  7. Assess your conflict management style.
  8. Learn when to compromise and collaborate.
  9. Learn to be assertive in conversations.
  10. Identify personal actions to develop your skills.

Workshop Highlights

Negotiation: What is it?

  • Negotiation vs. bargaining
  • Skills needed for negotiation
  • Common barriers in negotiation
  • Building confidence in negotiation

Principles of Negotiation

  • Three key principles of negotiation
  • A balancing act: outcome vs. relationship
  • Clarifying the intention and the goal
  • Planning to negotiate

Managing the Dynamics

  • Styles of negotiation
  • Managing conflicts
  • Adapting behaviors to situation and people
  • Managing emotions

Practical Application (Role Play)

  • Influencing people
  • Demonstrating value
  • Handling objections
  • Outcomes and agreement

Duration: 1 Day

For in-company training only.

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