About this Course
Why is it important to write to the point?
There seems to be an impression that to sound professional or business-like, we need to write with standard phrases, complicated words and long sentences.
Actually, this achieves the opposite effect. We come across as unimaginative, dull or disinterested.
People may not understand our tangled sentences easily. Worse still, we could convey the wrong message.
What do you gain from this 4-hour workshop?
Writing simply takes some effort, but the habit can be cultivated.
In this highly focused and intensive workshop, you will learn how to write in a style that is concise yet clear and accurate.
Examples of good and weak writing will be used to illustrate learning points, and participants will practise revising tangled sentences with unnecessarily long words.
Workshop Objectives
- Understand the various ways that a sentence can be constructed.
- Structure sentences correctly, concisely and clearly.
- Be aware of outdated words and phrases to avoid, and learn how to replace them.
- Know the implications of words in your writing, and how to choose the most effective words to convey your message.
- Understand the implications of using the active and passive voice in your writing.
Workshop Highlights
Understanding Sentence Construction
- The four sentence structures in English
- Using the best structures for business writing
Creating Energy and Impact in Your Sentences
- Avoiding outdated language
- Writing concise sentences without affecting meaning
- Choosing wisely between the active and passive voice
Using Words Effectively
- Using short words and plain English
- Using strong words
- Using precise and concrete words
- Commonly misused words in business writing
For in-company training only.
Course Rating
- /5 from users
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Course Info
- Course Category Business
- Course Price n/a