About this Course
Certificate in Business Analysis Module Synopsis Accounting & Finance This module provides students with basic accounting and finance knowledge. Students will be taught how to interpret and use financial accounting information for decision-making. This module will also cover budgeting, financing strategies, working capital management as well as capital investment analysis. Business Statistics Students are introduced to the basic concepts of statistics and will focus on basic statistical tools and models for decision-making in the business world. They will also be taught how to organise and analyse data, and interpret the results. Students will also apply their knowledge of MS EXCEL to organise, present and compute data to aid in its analysis and interpretation. Decision Support with Spreadsheets This module provides students with a working knowledge of spreadsheets within a business environment. Students will learn to create, capture and manipulate data in spreadsheet formats to help businesses solve problems and improve operations and processes. Students will also learn to use spreadsheets for data analysis and business intelligence.
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Course Info
- Course Provider Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- Course Category Business
- Course Price n/a