About this Course
Post Diploma Certificate in Early Intervention Practice, Research & Leadership (Semesters 3 & 4) Module Synopsis Leadership, Communication and Collaboration This module explores the multiple roles of the leader in the early childhood special needs settings. One key focus of this module is professionalism and the skills required to be purposeful decision makers and independent thinkers who are capable of leading and inspiring others in the field of early intervention, and at the same time gaining and maintaining respect of and loyalty of others in the community. A range of professional issues will be examined including the roles of teachers of young children, leadership and advocacy, ethics and codes of conduct and self-evaluation and continuing professional development. The module will also include training in skills associated with positive communication and interpersonal relationships including dealing with conflict. Action Research in Early Childhood Intervention This module enables students to undertake an in-depth study in the field of early childhood intervention. The module takes the form of teacher research where students will build on their skills for reflective practice by identifying the areas of concerns in the school or the classroom which warrants further attention and investigation. Students will engage in needs analysis, designing proposals for change, implementation of action plans and reflections on practice. Independent learning by students with guidance from facilitators for the action research project will help the students in their professional growth and development in the early intervention field. Supervised Practicum This practicum module provides practical 'hands on' experience specifically designed to relate and extend participants' theoretical knowledge in the major fields of study including typical and atypical child development, assessment, evaluation and programming, the developmental and activity based approaches to curriculum and environmental design, family /parent/ caregiver/ teacher relationships, leadership and communication. The major emphasis will be on attachments to pre-school early intervention centres, where participants will utilise theoretical knowledge and observation skills to design and arrange the physical learning environment and to plan, implement and evaluate developmentally appropriate, integrated learning experiences and activities for an individual and a group of children with a diverse range of needs.
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Course Info
- Course Provider Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- Course Category People
- Course Price n/a