ES-PMD-303G-1 Apply Emotional Competence to Manage Self and Team at the Workplace


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Participants will experience and learn to: 1. Recognise own emotional states, the causes of those emotional states and its effects on own and team’s performance and interpersonal relationships at the workplace 2. Conduct self-reflection and gather feedback from team members to identify personal strengths and weaknesses for development of own Emotional Intelligence 3. Model behaviours that demonstrate application of Emotional Intelligence 4. Assess emotional states of team members and respond appropriately to emotional cues, taking into consideration the different cultures and background of team members 5. Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in dealing with team members and making decisions, taking their emotions into account 6. Provide opportunities for team members to express their thoughts and feelings and assist them in understanding the effects of their behaviour and emotions on others at the workplace 7. Encourage team members to develop their own Emotional Intelligence to build positive relationships among one another to achieve team goals 8. Promote a positive emotional climate at the workplace

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