ES-ACE-501G-1 Apply Systems Thinking in Problem Solving and Decision Making (In-Company)


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Participants will experience and learn to: 1. Analyse issues that affect the achievement of desired goals and outcomes in the macro context 2. Apply Systems Thinking approaches and processes to identify the root causes of non-achievement of desired goals and outcomes and the homeostasis of the organization 3. Use Systems Thinking tools to formulate possible solutions to resolve issues that affect the achievement of desired goals and outcomes 4. Select the most suitable solution using established criteria to resolve issues that affect the achievement of desired goals and outcomes 5. Develop an implementation plan for the chosen solution(s) to resolve issues that affect the achievement of desired goals and outcomes 6. Assess the effectiveness of the chosen solution(s) using an appropriate evaluation process 7. Recommend corrective actions to improve chosen solution(s) 8. Document the process of applying Systems Thinking in problem-solving and decision-making using appropriate methods.

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