Our Vision: To Provide Total Safety and Health Solutions for Organisation Our Mission: To assist organisations in building up WSH capabilities and to create a holistic and progressive accident prevention culture. Foreseeable accidents, lost time injury and preventable errors cost businesses both time and money including personal pain and suffering that many accidents at work bring to those affected. Businesses with a strategic total and safety and health solutions readily in place will enjoy higher productivity and lift employee morale. The most cost effective way to manage workplace safety and health to any interested company is through effective regular training and auditing. Majority employee will increase their awareness and take action in the obvious areas. We started off with 3 full time staff and has since grown steadily to a pool of local talents within the year. Our pool of safety and health professional's consultants are qualified and with year of experiences in various industries. Anzen are a reliable and creditable consultancy, training academy and auditing organisation recognised by WDA and MOM. Let our knowledge and experience optimise for you and your industry.
Provider Summary
- Areas of Training Human Resource Management Employment and Recruitment