About this Course
This competency category consists of five competency units. Each competency unit is known as A module. The ?ve modules are: CU1 ? Provide loans and membership services CU2 ? Support acquisitions and serials work CU3 ? Support bibliographic control work CU4 ? Support collection maintenance CU5 ? Support general reference and information on enquiry work Module Overview This module Competency Unit 1 (CU1): Provide loans and membership services addresses the knowledge, skills and attidues needed in supporting circulation desk and assisting library patrons with library collection and other membership services. It also covers the customer service techniues and user education for loan and membership services. This competency unit comprises the following elements: 1. Process loan transactions, including check-in, check-out, reservations, renewal, inter/intra-library loans, etc. 2. Answer enquiries and resolve problems in loan transactions and fines 3. Process membership applications 4. Process fines and other fees 5. Conduct systematic search of missing and misplaced items 6. Provide user education for loans and membership services
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Course Info
- Course Provider Library Association of Singapore
- Course Category Other
- Course Price $360