NICF-Business Intelligence Analytics


About this Course

This course will introduce the participants to the essentials of business intelligence. It is primarily targeted towards consumers of business intelligence (BI), such as business managers, business executives, financial analysts and market researchers, who are interested in learning about BI concepts, process, tools and technologies and how to leverage them in their organisations. The participants will learn how to use OLAP tools for multidimensional reporting; pivoting tables; slicing and dicing of data; drill-downs and drill-ups; and other business analytic operations. They will also be exposed to popular data mining algorithms and learn how to apply those algorithms for business applications such as sales forecasting, target marketing, customer relationship management, market basket analysis and campaign effectiveness. They will receive hands-on training with BI tools for performing business analytics, mining business data and measuring business performance. The course will include several real-world cases of BI applications in domains such as marketing, finance and travel.

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