Microsoft Advanced Excel 2010


About this Course

Participants will learn to use advanced functions of Excel® 2010 to improve productivity, enhance spreadsheets with templates, charts, graphics, and formulas and streamline their operational work. They will apply visual elements and advanced formulas to a worksheet to display data in various formats. Students will also learn how to automate common tasks, apply advanced analysis techniques to more complex data sets, collaborate on worksheets with others, and leverage on Excel’s advanced functionality to simplify and streamline their day-to-day work. After Course Completion: After the successful completion of the Intermediate to Advanced Excel 2010 Training program, students will be able to: calculate with advanced functions & formulas. organize worksheet and table data using multiple techniques. create and modify charts & graphs. analyze data using Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts. insert graphic objects. customize and enhance workbooks and the Microsoft® Office Excel® 2010 environment. They will know learn to deploy Advanced Excel 2010 techniques to increase productivity and improve efficiency by streamlining the workflow. collaborate with others using workbooks audit worksheets analyze data. Work with multiple worksheets & workbooks Import and export data in Excel

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