ES-ACE-402G-1 Solve Problems & Make Decisions at Managerial Level


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Participants will experience and learn to: 1. Collect relevant and current information on organisational performance standards and quality control policies 2. Identify the type(s) of performance deficiency and examine the cause(s) and their impact on organisation-related aspects 3. Identify the root cause(s) of the problem(s) with team members using appropriate group facilitation techniques 4. Generate creative ideas in a team based on the three time horizons of short range, intermediate range and long range planning using appropriate idea generation and group facilitation techniques 5. Shortlist the most viable ideas based on a set of pertinent criteria using appropriate problem-solving and decision making techniques and tools 6. Evaluate the impact of shortlisted ideas using appropriate problem-solving and decision making techniques and tools 7. Determine a preferred solution using appropriate methods and draw up an implementation plan to implement the solution 8. Evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented solution and implementation plan 9. Develop a corrective action plan for any shortfall(s) identified in the implemented solution and conduct a follow up review of modification(s) made

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