About this Course
Certificate in Electronic Devices & Applications Module Synopsis Digital Electronics & Applications This is a hands-on intensive module designed to help the students to design and build application projects based on digital electronics. It covers the fundamentals of digital electronics, the basic principles and techniques of digital system design. The main topics covered are Number systems, Boolean Algebra, Combinational logic circuits, Flip-flops and multivibrators, IC Counters, and Data handling devices. Analog Electronics & Applications This module aims to provide students with knowledge of the operating principles and the design characteristics of commonly used analogue devices and circuits. It also illustrates their applications in various practical circuits. Microcontroller Programming This module introduces students to the fundamentals of microcontroller architecture as well as basic programming to interface with various external input and output devices. C programming language together with 8051 microcontroller and interfacing circuits are used to illustrate a working microcontroller system.
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Course Info
- Course Provider Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- Course Category Technology
- Course Price n/a