C Programming Advanced


About this Course

This course is mainly focusing those who know the basic concepts and want to upgrade the knowledge in advanced topics of C Programming.In this course we are covering the advanced topics like, multiple source files, linking files, working with bits, Pointers, file organization, Manipulating String, building structure etc.

Students must have good knowledge in basic concepts must be good in syntax and semantics of C programming.


Module 1: Arrays and Functions

♦ Passing Arrays in Function

♦ Local Variable

♦ Global Variables

♦ Static Variables

♦ Register variables

Module 2: String Handling in C

♦ Understanding Strings in C

♦ Declaring and Initializing a String

♦ Reading and Displaying the Strings .

♦ Creating an Array of Strings

♦ Performing String Operations such as -Concatenating Strings, Calculating the Length of a String, Comparing Strings

♦ Using various String Handling Functions such as - strlen(), strcmp(), strncmp(), strcat(),strncat(), strcpy(), strncpy(), Strchr(), strwr(), strupr(), strrev()

Module 3: Pointers

♦ Understanding Pointers

♦ Declaring a Pointer Variable

♦ Using the Address of (&) Operator

♦ Initializing a Pointer Variable

♦ Dereferencing a Pointer

♦ Performing Operations on Pointers (Assignment, Arithmetic, Comparison)

♦ Working with Functions and Pointers (Call by Value, Call by Reference)

♦ Working with Arrays and Pointers (Pointers to One –Dimensional Arrays, Pointers to String)

♦ Allocating Memory at Runtime (malloc (), calloc(), free(), realloc() )

Module 4: Building Structures

♦ What is a structure?

♦ Defining type structures

♦ Nesting structures

♦ Arrays and Pointers in structures

♦ Pointing to structures

♦ Arrays of structures

♦ Passing structures to functions

♦ What is a union?

♦ Arrays of Union

♦ Unions inside structures

♦ Pointing to unions

Module 5: Working with Preprocessor Directives

♦ Using the File Inclusion Directives

♦ Using the Macro Substitution Directives (Defining a Simple Macro, Defining Macro with Arguments, Defining Nested Macros)

♦ Using the Compiler Control Directives (The #ifdef, #ifndef, #if, #ifelse and #ifelif Directives)

Module 6: Data File Processing in C

♦ Exploring Data Files

♦ Opening and Closing Files (Reading from files, Writing to files)

♦ Accessing Data Files Randomly (The fseek() , ftell() ,fread() and fwrite() functions)

Course Duration : 15 hrs

Entry Requirement : Basic C Programming Knowledge

Mode of Training : Face to face Instructor led Training

Materials : Course books will be provided to each participant

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