C++ Programming Full course


About this Course

Unleash the power of C++ with hands on practical and project work. Real time classes with industrial experts with Linux based and windows based compilers. Basic to advanced level courses with fast and affordable prizes.

The intent of this course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming concept in C++ Programming.

The course covering the basics of C++ and going in to more deeper in to the OOPS concepts like Class ,Objects, Inheritance, polymorphism, Templates and the advanced topics like Pointers ,file organization .

The course curriculum is designed as a combination of theory and practical.

Course materials are covered with many hands on practical exercise with each theory topics.

In this course we are starting from the fundamentals and covering in deeper Concepts of Object Oriented Programming. This course is a collection of examples and case studies .At the end of the course we are providing a Small Project Work (Case Study), so the students will get in -depth knowledge of the implementation of the Programming concept in real world applications.


Module 1: Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming

♦ Introduction to Class and Object

♦ Procedure-oriented Programming Concepts

♦ Object-oriented Programming Concepts

Module 2: Basics of C++

♦ Data Type

♦ Variables

♦ Constants

♦ Operators

♦ Comments in C++

Module 3: Statements in C++

♦ Assignment Statement

♦ Input and Output Statement

♦ Control Statement

♦ Selection or Conditional Statement

♦ Iteration or Looping Statements

♦ Breaking Control Statements

Module 4: Functions

♦ Function declaration

♦ Function definition

♦ Function call

♦ Parameter Passing Mechanism

♦ Recursive function

Module 5: Arrays

♦ Array declaration

♦ Single dimension arrays

♦ Multidimensional arrays

♦ Character arrays

♦ Arrays and Functions

Module 6: Union and Bit Fields

♦ Declaration of a structure

♦ Initialization of a Structure

♦ Array within structure

♦ Union

♦ Bit Field

Module 7: Pointers

♦ Declaration of a Pointer

♦ Initializing Pointers

♦ Pointer Arithmetic

♦ Pointers and Arrays

♦ Arrays of Pointers

♦ Pointers and Strings

♦ Pointers and Functions

♦ Pointers to Pointers

♦ Dynamic Memory Management

Module 8: Class and Object

♦ Declaration of a Class

♦ Defining the Member Functions

♦ Creating the Objects, Class & Arrays

♦ Objects and Functions

♦ Friend Functions

♦ Pointers and Objects

Module 9: Constructor and Destructors

♦ Structure of a Constructor

♦ Types of Constructors

♦ Destructors

Module 10: Inheritance

♦ Structure of Inheritance

♦ Importance of Inheritance

♦ Types of Inheritance

♦ Constructor Invocation in Inheritance

♦ Destructor under Inheritance

Module 11: Polymorphism

♦ Types of Polymorphism

♦ Compile-Time Polymorphism

♦ Run-Time Polymorphism

♦ Virtual Destructor

Module 12: Template and Exception Handling

♦ Declaration of a Function Template

♦ Exception Handling

♦ Try, Catch and Throw

♦ Exception Generated by the Function

♦ Multiple catch Blocks

♦ Single catch Block for All Exceptions

Module 13: File Organization

♦ Stream

♦ Basic Operations with Files

♦ Binary Files

♦ Random Access Files

♦ Error Handling in Files

♦ File Pointers and Random Access

Module 14: Preprocessor Directives and I/O

♦ C++ Stream

♦ Preprocessor Directives

♦ Header Files

♦ Manipulators

♦ Unformatted I/O Functions

♦ Character Testing and Conversion Functions

♦ String Manipulation Function

Duration : 40hrs

Entry Requirement : Basic Computer Knowledge

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