C Programming Full Course


About this Course

Unleash the power of C with hands on practical and project work. Real time classes with industrial experts with Linux based and windows based compilers. Basic to advanced level courses with fast and affordable prizes.

The intent of the course is to teach student the Structured programming concept of C Language, this helps in dividing the programs into function modules or code blocks.

Although C was designed for implementing system software, it is also widely used for developing portable application software.

The course covers all the fundamentals concept programming like data types, arrays, structure, function, Pointers, String manipulations and file organisation.

The course curriculum is designed as a combination of theory and practical.

Course materials are covered with many hands on practical exercise with each theory topics.

In this course we are starting from the fundamentals and covering in deeper Concepts of Object Oriented Programming. This course is a collection of examples and case studies .At the end of the course we are providing a Small Project Work (Case Study), so the students will get in -depth knowledge of the implementation of the Programming concept in real world applications.


Module 1: Introducing the C Language

♦ Defining the C language

♦ Exploring basic C concepts

♦ Character Sets and Tokens

♦ Developing a Simple C Program

Module 2: Fundamentals of C Programming

♦ Exploring Data Types

♦ Introducing Constants and Variables

♦ Declaring and Initializing Variables

♦ Introduction to Const and Volatile Type Qualifiers

♦ Explaining Data Type Modifiers

Module 3: Managing Input and Output

♦ Input/output Functions

♦ The printf() function

♦ The printf() place holders

♦ Escape Sequence

♦ The scanf() function

♦ The getchar() function

♦ The gets() function

♦ The putchar() function

♦ The puts() function

Module 4: Working with Operators

♦ Working with Operators

♦ The Unary Operators

♦ The Assignment Operators

♦ The Arithmetic Operators

♦ The Increment/Decrement Operators

♦ The Relational Operators

♦ The Logical Operators

♦ The Bitwise and Conditional Operators

♦ The Special Operators

♦ The Shorthand Assignment

♦ Operator Precedence in C

Module 5: Control Structures

♦ Exploring the syntax of a control structure

♦ Working with Conditional Statements

♦ Working with Iterative Statements

♦ Working with Jump Statements

Module 6: Arrays and Functions

♦ Introducing Arrays

♦ Working with One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Arrays

♦ Limitations of Arrays

♦ Working with Functions (Function Definition and Invocation

♦ Types of Functions

♦ Built-in Functions(String manipulation, Memory Management, Buffer manipulation, Character manipulation, Error handling Functions)

♦ User-defined Functions

♦ Parameter passing mechanisms

♦ Passing Arrays in Function

♦ Local and Global Variables

♦ Static and Register variables

Module 7: String Handling in C

♦ Understanding Strings in C

♦ Declaring and Initializing a String

♦ Reading and Displaying the Strings

♦ Creating an Array of Strings

♦ Performing String Operations

♦ Using various String Handling Functions

Module 8: Pointers

♦ Understanding Pointers

♦ Declaring a Pointer Variable

♦ Using the Address of (&) Operator

♦ Initializing a Pointer Variable

♦ Dereferencing a Pointer

♦ Performing Operations on Pointers

♦ Working with Functions and Pointers

♦ Working with Arrays and Pointers

♦ Pointers to One –Dimensional Arrays

♦ Pointers to String

♦ Allocating Memory at Runtime

Module 9: Building Structures

♦ What is a structure?

♦ Defining type structures

♦ Nesting structures

♦ Arrays and Pointers in structures

♦ Pointing to structures

♦ Arrays of structures

♦ Passing structures to functions

♦ What is a union?

♦ Arrays of Union

♦ Unions inside structures

♦ Pointing to unions

Module 10: Working with Preprocessor Directives

♦ Using the File Inclusion Directives

♦ Using the MacroSubstitution Directives

♦ Defining a Simple Macro

♦ Defining Macro with Arguments

♦ Defining Nested Macros

♦ Using the Compiler Control Directives

Module 11: Data File Processing in C

♦ Exploring Data Files

♦ Opening and Closing Files

♦ Reading from files

♦ Writing to files

♦ Accessing Data Files Randomly

Entry Requirement : Basic computer knowledge

Course Duration : 30hrs

Mode of Training : Face to face Instructor led Training

Materials : Course books will be provided to each participant

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