Communication is the process of encoding and decoding messages. It is important when communicating to understand the basic skills of communication so that messages are passed and received in an effective way. Understanding the various types of communication skill including competencies is very important for various aspects of life including the business world, the social aspect and several others.
The following are four most important communication skills.
1. Interpersonal Communication Skills
Interpersonal communication skills are those tools used by people to let others know what they are thinking, feeling and in need of. And how those people are make to understand the same.
Communication is two way. How one gets their message across depends so much on how well the other party is understood. The encoder should ask questions so that the decoder feels that the former interested with them. It is important for a decoder to take keen interest in what the encoder has to say. People tend to be attracted more to those who show a keen interest in them.
Interpersonal communication skills are useful in things like, interviews. A person with this quality is more likely to get a job than one without it.
2. Business Communication Skills
Communication is an important aspect in business starting from the management down to the chain of command. When people undergo training in business communication, a company’s moral will be improved. Therefore, the high production and an increased sales as well as customer satisfaction will be realized.
Communication Training in the Workplace Most companies normally spend so much time and money on communication training in the work place. The training includes:
i.Communication Methods
The business environment today provides various communication methods including, presentation chat, in person, email, texts, telephone, video conferencing, etc. you should determine the best method to communicate and then peruse the choice to the end.
ii.Understand the Audience
To achieve quality business communication one is supposed to understand the audience by listening to both verbal and non-verbal cues. It is important to consider the level of education of the person one is communicating with so that appropriate communication is ensured.
3. Written Communication Skills
Apart from verbal communication, written communication skills are also important for delivering messages more effectively.
There are many types of written communication e.g. letters, memos, emails, and newsletters just to name a few. Effective communication starts with the right format. Ensure that the purpose of communication is clear. When writing, ensure that the grammar is of the acceptable standards.
Use the right register for every situation. One’s correspondence is important for the effectiveness of the communication. For example the tone that a boss is going to use when writing to a worker is much different from the one he is going to use when writing a proposal to provide service.
4. Communication Gestures (Non Verbal Communication)
When people interact with one another they constantly give and receive wordless signals. The non-verbal communications include; making gestures using our hands, the sitting posture, how one stands, eye contact etc. they send strong messages and when not properly used can distort the message being sent. For example when an encoder sends mixed signals, the decoder has to choose whether to believe the verbal or non-verbal communication
The conclusion is that within these types of communication there is a subset of the styles and the individual competencies. One person may be skilled in one type of communication skills and lacking in the other. It is therefore important to take time to develop all these qualities.
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